Sunday, 26 June 2016

Sairat: Movie review

There are two ‪#‎SAIRATs‬ in movie and us

1.One Sairat represents for Freedom,Individualism,Idealism,Stretching the limits of Society and being REBELLIOUS.

First,those who have experienced this Sairatness already in their life feel vindicated. It feels like Yes,We were right and we are right. Afterall,Individual is honest and society is corrupt. Becoming mature in this corrupt society is trap.Because becoming mature is to loose your innocence, pure mind, accepting discriminations and becoming integrated with corrupt society.This Society discriminates (In Fandry,it was more caste based discrimination.Now in Sairat,it is more class based).So you as an individual must rebel against it.

2.Other Sairat is representing for wilderness,nomadism,then about realising Realities and getting crushed by them very easily. Now, those who could not rebel against restrictions feel vindicated at few points in movie. Because one quickly realises that doing romance is one thing and living life as a common man (getting two square meals) is another. Therefore,one can not be Sairat. If one still becomes it, then she/he must be forced.

Society has now turned its brutalness towards family. You sometimes start hating couple and develop sympathy for families. Because Family is also honest but society makes it nasty.Then why Families should suffer? Maybe, love has to be restricted hence.
So,what is the solution that comes from society. One should love by compromising. It is like this.First check caste,class, etc,etc and then tell yourself that Yes,this is safe zone (Zone of acceptance by society).Here I can fall in love without becoming transgressor.

Couple manages itself quiet well in this transition from being Idealistic to becoming Realistic. But their battle is against very old, experienced,harsh,rigid ,no-nonsense type player. This player defeats everyone including itself

In the end,What makes Nagraj brilliant is he tells you reality.Because there are no happy endings always.No doubt, NAGRAJ is the best finisher and not DHONI . Because hitting six on a ball is little easier than shaking the consciousness of society.

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